Manager's Corner

For individuals interested in becoming a CLHA Manager for the 2024-2025 season, please register using the link to the right. If more than one person registers to be a manager, the head coach will be given the option to choose their manager. Once teams are formed, our secretary will reach out to selected managers.

Thanks for volunteering with CLHA!

Questions? Please contact the Secretary.

Required registrations, background check and training




CLHA will provide all managers with a Roster Book. Bring your Roster Book to all practices, games, scrimmages and tournaments.

Your team's Roster Book will contain:

  • Your team's official roster of players, coaches and manager(s)
  • Signed Consent to Treat/Medical History for each player and coach
  • Signed CLHA Code of Conduct for each player, coach & manager
  • Signed Concussion Fact Sheet Consent
  • Player and coach stickers to put on scoresheets
  • Concussion Protocol Forms
  • Team Roster point of contact information

Weekly Communication

Weekly update emails are a great way for your families to get the information they need in a regular, concise way. To help you be more efficient, we recommend using email templates. Click on the link below for instructions on how to create an email template in Gmail.

Creating groups or distribution lists

Creating a distribution list or a group in your email software is another timesaver. Create a group after you've entered contacts. Groups will save you time when sending an email to the entire team.

Game Duties

HOME TEAMS are responsible for the clock, the score book and their penalty box.  

VISITING TEAMS are responsible for their penalty box.  

*Make sure your iPad is always charged!

District 2 Game Information and Payments


  1. You MUST get all Team Managers & Ice Schedulers to agree to the game change details before completing the form (see link below).
  2. You will be required to select the specific league game that you are rescheduling before entering the new game details.
  3. You must enter contact information for both Team Managers.
  4. Once you submit your game change, a Game Change # will populate on your browser screen along with a payment link. 
  5. Click on the "Make Payment" link, enter in the game change # along with your contact details and, submit your online payment.
  6. The Team Managers, Ice Schedulers, and D2 Officials will receive an email requiring all parties to click on a link to approve the change. 
  7. Keep your approval email. If you would like to know who HAS NOT approved the change. You can click on the "Open Game Change Report" link (below) where you will find the updated status.
  8. Once all parties have approved the game change, a final approval email will be sent. At this time, Team Managers should update the changes on their team calendars and the D2 schedule will he updated (if it is a league game). 
  9. If you do not see your confirmation or approval emails, please check your JUNK mail folder periodically.
  10. Emails must be moved out of your JUNK mail folder to be able to click the link to Approve or Reject.




  1. Click the registration link below and include all required information.
  2. A $12 Registration Fee will be charged at the time of request. This fee is non-refundable.
  3. No request is sent for review until a credit card payment is submitted. 
  4. You will receive an email summarizing the requested change and confirming payment.
  5. Payment confirmation is NOT an approval from District 2 that the game has been approved and scheduled - that will come in a separate email. If you don't get the game approval email within 48 hours, please contact .
  6. Referee Payment will be made at the rink on the day of the game. This is a new policy for 2023-2024. Please see rate chart below.
  7. Games at Tria, Augsburg, Mariucci, Ridder, or Xcel Energy Center are subject to an extra $10 per referee charge, which will be paid directly to the official at the rink. 
  8.  For 60 minute game formats, Periods 1 & 2 will be stop time periods for the appropriate age level. Period 3 will be running time for the remainder of the time slot minus 2 minutes.
  9. 75- and 90-minute game formats will be stop time with NO running time in the third period.


In the event a rostered goalie(s) is not able to participate in a scrimmage, league or District Tournament game due to INJURY, ILLNESS or BEREAVEMENT ONLY, a substitute goalie may play in place of the rostered goalie provided;

  1. The substitute goalie is not from a higher level team (division or level)
  2. The substitute goalie is acquired first from within the local association and second from teams within the District or league
  3. The substitute goalie must wear the jersey from his/her home team
  4. The substitute goalie must abide by the player rest rules. Substituting must NOT interfere with activities of his/her home team
  5. Substitute goalie may play ONLY if rostered goalies are not able to play
  6. Must have the approval of both team's Association Representatives and opposing coach approval on the Substitute Goalie form.
  7. Before sending to the President and Vice President for Approval, you must work with the team you are pulling the goalie from to ensure the above are met.
  8. Requesting Association will then submit approved form to District 2 Director before start of game via email.

This online form is only to be used for DISTRICT 2 League Games. 




Minnesota Hockey has a long standing tradition of providing our players with certain awards based on their achievements. While the main focus should always be on the team and having fun, it is also important to reward those who push themselves to improve and attain a higher level of performance.

For that reason, Minnesota Hockey is proud to provide the following awards:

  • Zero Award: For a goalkeeper playing a complete game without allowing a goal
  • Hat Trick Award: For a player scoring three goals in one game
  • Playmaker Award: For a player registering three assists in one game

To request these awards for your team, submit the appropriate request form to your District's Associate Registrar.

Player awards are distributed under the following conditions:

  1. The recipient is a registered player
  2. The game was in league competition (not scrimmage or exhibition), a sanctioned tournament or a MN Hockey playoff involving only USA Hockey registered teams
  3. The game was officiated by registered USA Hockey referees
  4. Eligible player categories: All players Squirt and above
  5. A readable copy of the score sheet with the players listed is required with the application
  6. Limit of ONE of each award per player per season - i.e., one Hat Trick, one Playmaker and one Zero


Do you use Google Calendar?

You can get your players schedule(s) onto your Google Calendar by following these steps!

  1. Click the iCal link on your teams CLHA calendar page
  2. Right-click the chisagolakeshockey link then select Copy
  3. Close the pop-up window
  4. Open Google Calendar
  5. Click the Other calendars drop down (right button)
  6. Select Add by URL
  7. Right-click in the pop-up URL text box then select Paste
  8. Click Add Calendar
  9. Rename calendar for your use!

Confirm Delete
Click the delete icon again to confirm. Click escape to cancel.